Sparks From Fireflies
a motivational & interactive book for kids
Private Donor
This is a very worthy cause, and to see the work and dedication of these young people to contribute their time and efforts to help make things better is very inspiring. Their contribution to the community and individuals in need warms my heart.
Frances S.
I donated because I am so proud of these young ladies and all they have accomplished in their young lives. These booklets will help so many young people. I believe that these ladies will continue helping people throughout their life. I have the utmost respect for the Girl Scout Organization.
Deborah G.
This is a very worthwhile project. Thank you G.S. Troop #1980 for all your work.
Kathi O.
Great job sister Girl Scouts! GS Troop 50166 from Illinois applauds your efforts! Keep up the great work you are doing!
Cindy K.
I donated because I am in awe of these girls having such kind and giving souls.
Matt K.
Inspirational story... can do so much good if we get our heads together
Private Donor
My Girl Scout years were among the happiest of my life, and I learned so many things that continue to guide me through life. What the girls of Troop 1980 have done is truly inspiring. Makes me proud to have been a Girl Scout!
Jen W.
I worked for my local Girl Scout council in the 1990’s. These are the kind of projects & activities that always made me proud to be part of the organization. Keep up the good work, ladies. You will go far with your compassion & great ideas for helping people.
Barbara G.
So proud of Girl Scout troop 1980!! They have worked tirelessly to compose this book and are now working just as hard to get it published ! Girl Scouts at their finest !!
Shelby W.
I am a former girl scout and will do what I can to help any of my scout little sisters!
Christy A.
I am blown away by your kindness and empathy. I will order some once you get them on [online].
Camille A.
What an amazing and selfless idea! In a time where children don’t respect anything at all, these children have given an amazing gift. May they continue on a caring and loving path, being the good in the world.
Sue B.
These girls are heroes to those who too often suffer in silence, afraid to speak the horrors they suffer at the hands of those the world tells them they must trust above others. Hopefully this project will be here to help young men and women for years to come.
Catheryn L.
As a former scout, troop leader, and psychotherapist, I thank you for your recognition of the need for support for survivors of abuse.
Maura S.
As a former Girl Scout, I want to tell you young ladies how beautiful you are in Spirit and how I admire your compassion in coming up with this project. I look forward to buying a copy for a young friend in New York who needs this support--and one for myself too.
Sue V.
This is an awesome cause...we’re very proud of these girls!
Becky G.
Girl Scouts Rule and make a real difference in their communities!
Private Donor
Really love how these kids took on a very difficult and sensitve issue and came up with a touching peer-to-peer outreach effort that connects on a personal level. Way to go!
Anastasia C.
I am SO PROUD of you ladies. You are truly living the Girl Scout law with this book. Well done!
GS Troop 40128 of CT
This is amazing girls!! From another Cadette troop in CT
Christine L.
I wish you all the best with your book project that will help so many children at a pivotal point in their lives!
Felisa Y.
Hello from a former GS and current GS mom/volunteer in California! One of our service unit leaders posted this story to FB and I was so moved by this project and these girls. Way to be a sister to every kid!
Diane S.
Kids can be very effective helping other kids. Good work ladies!
Private Donor
Good news from Georgia! Once on Amazon, I want to purchase some for police officers to carry in their cars.